GTM Plus - Chromium extension to boost GTM UI
GTM Plus is a Chromium extension for Google Tag Manager. It comes with the powerful feature that allows to search and view any component without leaving the current view.
GTM Utility is an experimental audit tool for the Google Tag Manager. GTM container visualizer provides a flowchart of the component dependencies as well as a list of all set dimensions, metrics and parameters of Google Analytics, Google Ads conversion and remarketing tags, and Floodlight tags. GTM Utility provides an alternative overview of all connections between variables, triggers and tags in the latest versions or active workspaces of GTM containers.
Easily find the location and values of all set dimensions, metrics and parameters of Google Analytics, Google Ads and Floodlight tags. Navigate straight to the component.
See how GTM container was evolving and growing in size. Get a count of used variables, triggers and tags at each version release.
The flowchart visualizes the container setup. See how tracking works with all its connections between tags, triggers and variables.
Especially helpful for cleaning out unused variables, since the only quick way to see its references in GTM, is by going inside of each and every variable.
More complex tracking setup may still have too much to view at. Zoom into references of the selected tag, trigger or variable. How many variables are involved into making a tag work and send correct data to the vendor?
Identify Tag-Trigger-Tag relationship. Provides an insight into which custom event triggers get fired by an event push into dataLayer from within HTML tags.
GTM Plus is a Chromium extension for Google Tag Manager. It comes with the powerful feature that allows to search and view any component without leaving the current view.
Summary of non-standard implementation questions and short answers about the Google Consent Mode v2.
Rewrite safely the data layer push method to modify pushed events or to reset Google Analytics 4 Configuration parameters.
Select any workspace or version to see dependencies between tags, triggers and variables. Dozens of dimensions and metrics are scattered across many tags, especially in the enhanced ecommerce tracking setup for Google Analytics Universal. Analyze what Google Ads conversion tags are set by which agency and Ads account. Now, tracking audit is faster...